JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.

NEWS: Art Takes Form

We recently visited Form London (March 1st-4th), a show dedicated to modern, contemporary art and design. The trade show featured art galleries, antique stores and estate jewelry dealers in the UK. It is a great place for art collectors, budding artists and general enthusiast to find rub elbows with artworks from all walks of life. However, some of the exhibition was dedicated to talking fluff with the stall occupants. One of which was FIG (the Fashion Art Gallery) who tried to explain to me why a contour ink drawing by Tanya Ling was worth so much money. A failed attempt on their part because went to art school—and I know what a mess of India ink and pro-white scribbled haphazardly on bond paper should be worth.

Not every find was a jewel, but it wasn’t all crap either. The fair was sprinkled with artisans who are worthy of making it big, let alone making money. Additionally, amongst the most posh of galleries was the Arts Republik (spelled with a k on purpose), whose mission is to showcase artist who have a different voice. One may not know that some of these artists exist due to their locations in provinces and barrios all over the world. And I think that it is noble that this non-profit art gallery represents them. The majority of their artists are scattered across China and G*d only knows how they manage to find them. I am happy that someone did, because they show how inspiration and humanity are universal concepts.

*it’s Jil baby!

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