JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.

DECOR: Clever Dirt




When I move into a new flat the first place I go is to Ikea to pick up their simplified, pristine, white mugs. I use these mugs for tea and coffee but I detested the stains that appear after multiple usages. So I was amazed when designer Bethan Laura Wood came up with a way of make stains look intentional instead of dirty. Her collection of mugs are called Stain --pun intended. Her goal was to create something that would improve through use. It works like this: through the perpetual use of the cup the stains from the colored drinks reveal a pattern. It’s simple and clever enough to make any slob look hygienic. I wouldn’t want this concept to fall in the wrong hands. I can just imagine using this concept for men’s underwear--eww. However, for cups and even plates this works. Check her out at www.woodlondon.co.uk. Want to see more of her Stain collection check out our decor page....

*It’s Jil baby!

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