JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.

TRAVEL: Venice Masquerade


If Paris is the most romantic place in the world, then Venice is the most alluring -- filled with dark corners for doing dark deeds. One of our Jil Diplomats has submitted his pictorial report on Venice’s 2007 Carnival. This event takes place every year, 8 days before lent, which means it usually fall sometime early February. It is a festival of masks, colors, and the back drop of Venice couldn’t be more enticing. It is no secret that this city is a favorite in Italy. But a word to the worldly traveler: you might want to be close with your stair master before you go because this city has a ton of bridges, no public transportation (except water traffic), and a whole lot of walking. Putting all of that aside, movies never do Venice justice so I suggest you just hop a flight and bear it. The people are lovely, the scenery is break-taking, there is art around every corner, and when the sun sets it becomes magical. Check out the photo montage submitted by our Jil Diplomat Pier on our travel page...


*Jil Diplomat

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1 Responses to “TRAVEL: Venice Masquerade”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I just went there two months ago! it's really pretty!!!! i now live in italy by the way!  

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