JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.

EATS:Getting Creative With Caviar

The Fabulous Mr. Garay has struck again with his contribution to our Black Ice issue. Remember how we said the best way to serve caviar was cold? Well he takes that theory up a notch bedding his caviar on sea broth granita. For those of you who don’t know what granita is he sums it up with this definition: “Granita is basically shaved iced or forked ice.” Now, I’ve classically seen granita in lemon or citrus, but this savory flavor puts a new spin on it.

When I asked in how he came up with the idea, he said: “while I was shucking fresh oysters it hit me, caviar served in oyster shells with a sea broth granita on top of ice and black sea salt.” Now why didn’t I think of that? Only thing that dawns on me when shucking fresh oysters is: I hate shucking oysters. But I guess that beats throwing the caviar in any given glass bowl. And just because he likes us here at Jil, he threw in his recipe for his sea broth granita. Sounds sexy!

*bon appetite* Jil

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