JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.

DECOR: Wrapping Around Texture

victorian tub chair details

When I think about Helen MurrayI think of texture. This woman perfected a handcrafted technique so gansta’ that she had to patent it. In her method she manipulated leather, wool and silk into beautiful, nature inspired 3D designs. Her hand carved designs range from roses to poppies to fish scales.

victorian tub chair

They can transform any ordinary Victorian chair into a leathered floral bouquet. While upholstered furniture is one of her main attractions, she is not limited to it. Helen ventured out of box by using her skills to cover walls with 3D roses in wool. And if that is not enough she manipulated a mannequin, wrapping it with her leather designs--yes people I said a mannequin. I’m thinking if she can wrap mannequins, and cover wall, maybe her next step will be fashion accessories? I can already see her leather roses gracing handbag by Gucci, Hermes, etc. --who knows it’s just a thought. But right now I would just be happy to have her unique, one-of-a-kind, textured masterpieces in my living room instead of off the rack and in my closet.

*Jil Apartment

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