JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.

Cheeky Reads: Missy unwrapped...

I never imagined when I was reading Wonder Woman as a child that I would have a new super hero as an adult –Missy. If you look past the fact that it is written in French, and that it is based around a stripper, you will realize, as I did that this cartoon is absolutely fabulous. Here is the premise: the trials and tribulations of a stripper wanting to leave the ‘life’. This is not a series, but a one shot graphic novel that is illustrated beautifully by Hallain Paluku & Benoît Rivière. Who knew roaming the streets of Brussels –known for its huge graphic novel industry—would yield such a hot find. Even if you don’t read French, you can follow the story. Be ware this is comic is for grown ups, so if your child finds it you might have to have a discussion about the birds, the bees, and other naughty bits. But do what my mother did with “The Joy of Sex”-- hide it in the closet and hope to G*d the kids don’t find it. Check out our news page for excerpts from the book!

*ms. b

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