JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.

NEWS: please don't give martin scorsese an oscar

Sure, he deserved it for Goodfellas and Gangs of New York. But he does not deserve it for The Departed. No remake deserves an Oscar, unless it puts a completely new spin on the original-- and that's a very rare occurence. Scorsese, in no way whatsoever, crafted anything original in The Departed. He just plucked all the juicy bits out of Andy Lau's Infernal Affairs triad and crammed it into one movie.

And you know what? It's an insult to American audiences anyway. Scorsese dumbed down so much of the movie and spelled out all of what was meant to be unsaid. At least Lau trusted his audiences to understand the nuances of anxiety and love (both romantic and platonic) that ran throughout his film. For godsakes, Scorsese's final shot in The Departed is a zoom-in of an actual rat. How cheesy is that?

On another note, I wouldn't mind if Leonardo DiCaprio won an Oscar, for anything. I never thought he deserved anything for Titanic or The Aviator, because he looked like such a boy trying to fill a big man's shoes. In both The Departed and Blood Diamond, he fits perfectly into his roles. Who knew all it took would be a goatee?

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