JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.

DECOR: Getting Grounded With Bobois

roche bobis sofa

Sofas are getting lower and lower to the ground--so it didn’t take a genius to figure out that sooner or later people would be sitting on glorified floor pillows. Well, French company Roche Bobois was that genius. They created thick floor pillows, structured back pillows, slid them together and called it a sofa. Because this collection comes in array of lively colors and prints, someone might consider arranging this seating in their living room. In Roche’s store windows and catalog this sofa is showcased as a long sectional but I think minimalism is the key here. If done right this seating can make any bland living room look cute and cozy. But if done wrong, one might think that they were slapped back into the 70’s. Remember the 70’s, the days of free love, stroking a guitar, and singing, give peace a chance”. Now, I can roll around on the floor and discover my “inner child”, but would rather “bring sexy back” on a sofa with legs.

Jil’s Apartment

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