JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.

NEWS: You are not grown and sexy until you are GROWN!

I am so tired of entertainers coming out when they are 16-- dropping their sophomore album when they are 18 -- and all of a sudden they are getting their “grown and sexy” on. Let me explain something real quick: Nas, Jay-z, Busta Rhymes, that guy from Aerosmith--god bless his soul-- are getting their grown and sexy on. I am not sure why no one has defined it yet, but it might be because the concept sells more albums. So I am going to define it-- because I officially became a grown ass woman this year. Click here to read the tell tale signs that you are too grown for the dumb sh*t...

*Check out Chris Brown's latest song “Poppin” from his up-and-coming sophomore.

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*it’s Jil Baby!

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1 Responses to “NEWS: You are not grown and sexy until you are GROWN!”

  1. # Blogger Vanessa


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