JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.


I was resisting going out to see this movie for a long time, but not because I am anti-Mel Gibson. I just had no idea what the movie was about. Thankfully, as it was my husband's turn to pick (Borat was my pick last time), we set out to see Apocalypto. (I'm not going to bore you with a movie review, but I did find one that reads as if I wrote it!)

In short, I say, GO SEE THIS FILM. It's simple yet smart, it's action&suspense-packed but not too high-tech, and it's got a message but it's not preachy. It wasn't even as gorey as Passion of the Christ, though one would expect that from so-called savagery.

To all the people who are complaining about the historical inaccuracies, I say, PULL OUT THE STICKS FROM OUT YOUR ASSES long enough to sit and see the film... and let's all have a *conscious* 2007 by being open-minded to films like these in the new year!

*kara mia

TRAVEL: Moorish Reflections


The New Years is here, making one think about the more important things in life. Travel has for years been the escapism that keeps me sane. So it is no surprise that my New Years resolution is to travel more. One of the most inspiring places I’ve visited was the Alhambra in Granada, Spain. The remains of its Moorish predecessors, the palace stands regal, though it wasn’t always thought to be that way. We have a history of knocking down old architecture, and replace it with shiny condos--so thank G*d no one has yet had that inspiration. For more information on our trip to the Alhambra check out our travel page...

*it's jil baby!

Happy Holidays from Jil!

Though it might be a bit redundant at this point--Happy Holidays to all our readers! Thanks for supporting, subscribing and reading Jil. We can’t wait ‘til next year, we will be back bigger and better than ever. But ‘til then--have a sip of champagne for us and enjoy the New Year!

*it’s jil baby

DECOR:Making Wishes Come True

Gold Solas

"Star light, star bright-- which star will I see tonight".... is what I thought of when I saw designer CJ O’Neill’s lighting. This UK designer creates cute porcelain domes, which diffuse light and distribute a geometric pattern through out any room. Her collections feature the gold, botanical, prints of "Gold Solas" ” and bold graphics of "Feeding Desire Solas" . I fell in love with "Shine Solas", which is the simplified version. One dome can create the appearance of a single star or you can group them together and make a constellation. No matter how you arrange it, her lighting can create a heavenly effect in any room, home or apartment.

"Check out our decor page for more pics and info..."

*Jil Apartment*

CONCIOUS: racism everywhere i go

There must be something in the water. Either that, or Michael Richards is contagious. Ever since his N rant, I've been witness to racism everywhere I turn. I mean, literally here, there, and everywhere. First it was the N rant, then Rosie O'Donnell with her ching-chong, then at work, a supervisor had to make a very public apology to the staff for racist comments he made in the previous week. This supervisor asked a black staffperson, "you like watermelon, don't you?" after the staffperson denied liking fried chicken. Then in an e-mail addressed to another supervisor, he said, "what might be considered disrespectful to our Hispanic staff might NOT be disrespectful to us as WASPs." After this went through the rumor mill, it reached the very top execs, which prompted the apology. But why this supervisor still has his job remains a mystery to me. Click here to read the whole article...

*kara mia

STYLE: Ooh Big Daddy

You know how pimpin’ you have to be to wear pink? This isn’t pimp wear—though a very stylish pimp might wear it. You know not someone who ‘puts women on the street’ but rather ‘someone who thinks pimp and therefore is…’ (yes Katt William I wrote it down). Daddy is an eclectic street menswear collection. It is the recipe for the modern day man, part ‘goth’, part revolutionary, and part street hustler. What do you get once you mix all that together? I am guessing someone you can call daddy -- after all that is the name.

Go to our style page to see our picks of their current collection.

*ms. b

DECOR: Elaine + Dominic = Sheldon Clooney


It is always a pleasure for me to discover artisans who are passionate about their work --especially when it is interesting. Design team Elaine Sheldon and Dominic Clooney are the driving creative force behind Sheldon Clooney. What they lack in quantity they more than make up in ingenuity. The piece that had me staring at it for hours was their Bulldog Lamp. It is hand blown glass that is clamped at the last minute and it forms a very unique lighting fixture. It will run you about 300 quid. (GB Pounds Sterling), and comes in scarlet (which looks more like a deep pumpkin), and olive (which looks like olive). More information can be found at their website www.sheldonclooney.com.

*it’s Jil Baby


NEWS: babel ain't no crash, it was just a train wreck

Remember when the Crying Game came out, and no one wanted to spill the beans on the big secret? Because it was so so so good that no one wanted to spoil the surprise?

Well, SPOILER ALERT, because I don't think Babel is deserving of such cooperation from me. Babel has long been touted as the next Crash-- the heavily nominated, multiple award winning film that provoked everyone's realities about what they think of racism. But I'm here to tell you-- DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE, PLEASE-- because Babel is not worth that kind of attention.

To read the entire review check out our news page.

*kara mia

MUSIC:Letting kids know it isn’t cute to be dumb

Someone needs to tell the ‘youth’ of today know that it is just not cute to be dumb. I don’t know who the culprit is -- instant messenger with their damn smiley faces or play station -- but it is more that hip-hop. I hope kids are faking it by not being able to spell or put together a sentence. I know reading materials have been down graded since everybody’s baby’s mother is getting a book deal, but venture out and pick any other book. Okay I am getting off the point. I am really writing this to shout out Papoose for picking up a dictionary. He just dropped his single 'Alphabetical Slaughter' off his upcoming album due to drop early Spring 2007. You show them Papoose that there is other sh*t to write about in the world. Even if an artist can’t be creative at least they can try to rhyme differently.

*it’s Jil Baby

DRINKS: Drinking responsibly over the holidays!


I am an advocate of not driving while drunk. With that being said, I advise that people just stay home for the holidays because drinking is always a must. Just because you need that little something extra to get past your relatives asking you when you are settling down, or your crazy aunt showing her ‘Victoria Secrets’ to the world to get attention (maybe that is just my house). So to get in that holiday spirit, I have posted some Yule time drinks on our eats page. Hey, every little bit helps right?

*it’s Jil Baby

STYLE: the skater kids are hogging all the cute sneakers!

I know I am not the first fashionista to discover them, but DC Skater sneakers are ‘AB FAB’. I don’t know if it is because they come in cute colors, or the fact that they make your feet look two sizes smaller than they actually are. While perusing through my neighborhood skate shop, I felt as if I didn’t belong-- looking at skate boards, cooing and awing, like a proper tourist. Then I saw the DC sneaker and I was like ‘ooh they come in pink’. Though I am sure I insulted every one of the store owner’s skateboarder sensibilities, I left the store with my new discovery tucked in tow. And I am sure they are good for boarding too, but I don’t engage in any sport that requires hitting the ground.

*ms. b

DECOR:The amazing disappearing kitchen


I really can’t say that I remember the days when kitchens could fit more than one person. I am from a new generation, where a kitchen seems to be more like an extra closet than a place to cook a meal. When I think about take-out, and eating out, or plain laziness -- I can understand the de-evolution of the kitchen. And since life is just plain unfair, I don’t think I will get the kitchen of yesteryears-- wood burning stove, hanging garlic, you get the picture. So I have to settle for the kitchens of today-- cramped burners, no cutting space, replacing a stove for a microwave. Check out our decor page for some kitchen solutions.

*it's Jil Baby!

STYLE: Gei-Sh*t

I knew when I saw everyone jumping on the Memoirs of a Geisha bandwagon that someone would take the trend to damn far. I am not sure if the Deborah Lindquist’s design team saw the movie, rented the DVD, read the book, or just plain went to Asia for sh*ts and giggles, but here is some gei-sh*t that should have never left their Japanese inspired heads. Maybe somewhere, someone would look at their creations and call it art, we just usually call those people fashionably challenged. Maybe I am being too harsh-- so check it out for yourself--her website tells the whole story. Let me know if you think it was worth it.

*ms. b

STYLE: Bagg-her

I just can’t hate Baggha, a line of handbags from Belgian’s own Nicholas Van Panijs. I might not be able to pronounce his name, but I can pronounce fabulous. His bags stood out in the sea of designer brands exhibited at Gallery 34, located coincidentally at 34, Galerie du Roi, in Brussels . For all of you who never been to Brussels, this would be the street encased in pretty glass, with crowds of tourist taking pictures of the everyday, and cluttering the otherwise chic cafés. And the proprietor of my new favorite hand bag store, Jean Paul is very friendly and quick to give you the ‘skinny’ on not only the new designer bags, but the Belgian bags you just won’t be able to find out of the country. But if you want to bag a Baggha, you will just have to take a trip to the land of chocolate and beer.

*it Jil Baby

LETTERS: A Moment to Mourn

This story is still moving me on so many levels. The first one being that I have family members who live in this neighborhood, and this could have been anyone of them. My brother, my cousin, my friends around my way, they all can relate to being harassed, detained, and just plain annoyed by New York’s Finest. I think Bridgette’s letter put it most eloquently:

… for the past week, the thing I just can't seem to get out of my mind is the death of Sean Bell and the shooting of his two friends. Moreover, it's the effect this murder is going to have on the family he left behind. Maybe it's because the murder took place 15 minutes from where I live. Maybe it's because it happened hours before he was to marry his high school sweetheart. Or it could be that I'm just maturing and becoming more sensitive to senseless acts like this…

*click here to read Bridgette’s letter


CONCIOUS: shedding light on AIDS

AIDS is a growing global concern and we need to find a cure. For every candle lit on this website, Bristol-Myers Squibb will donate $1 towards AIDS research. You are also welcome to donate more if you wish. Or, if you can't donate monetarily, at least spread the word to help raise awareness.

DECOR: Winter Smiles

orange building

As a creative mind you might just starve for some color in the sea of gray buildings they call the city. So, I just wanted to show you some color that makes you smile literally. This building just makes me feel warm inside.

*its Jil baby

*check out decor for more winter smiles!

NEWS: playboy in motion

This is what happens when you allow models to speak: they start rattling off one-liner philosophies that they culled from god-knows-where, like "it's better to love once, than never to love at all," and you are succumbed to trying to decipher their foreign language, impish accent, model speak. Aside from the obvious, here are the highlights of the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show for me:

1. The winter wonderland number with the teeny tiny glittered panties paired with fuzzy mittens (no, I am NOT a man).
2. Justin Timberlake putting the "sexy" on the runway.
3. Seeing a runway free of old gals Tyra Banks' and Heidi Klum's jiggly bits. (Thank god for retirement.)

*kara mia

Excite your floor and sofa by adding a little color and texture to it. ‘Both Textiles’ stitches together felt wools balls, which created three-dimensional textured surface.

Then they transform this textured surface into candy colored rugs and gumdrop pillows. These are not good for eating--it’s felt for god sakes-- but it definitely can up any bland living space.

*its Jil baby

STYLE: Leg - Warmers

This year is all about the 80’s. No more bare legs of the 90’s wearing skirts in the winter freezing your kneecaps off. You can now walk outside with legwarmers on and colorful tights screaming, “ I like the 80’s and I don’t care who likes it”.
You can pair them together or wear them separate either way it looks hot. Now, I wouldn’t go as far as teasing your hair, wearing colorful makeup and skipping to old Cyndi Lauper songs. But at least now you can keep warm in a cute short skirt and if you must skip how about the new Madonna song.


DECOR: Just a touch…

Warmth color palette, originally uploaded by jil_tv.

All that glitters should not go on your walls, but if you must have a bit of sparkle in your life, might I suggest a touch of gold paint. The important thing is to coordinate, and by that I do not match your socks to your new gold front room, but rather paint one wall gold for wow factor, and coordinate the rest of the room with a warm color story. Need some suggestions? Gold, turquoise, plum, chocolatediscuss over coffee and get back to us.

*it’s jil baby

Originally uploaded by jil_tv.

When I read this article, I thought this could have been my brother, my cousin, or any black man in America. And the fact that this happened around my old stomping grounds is definitely food for thought. Here is an excerpt from the original article posted by the associated press:

The hail of gunfire at a car full of unarmed men drew an outcry from family members and community leaders, including the Rev. Al Sharpton. Two passengers, who had been celebrating with the groom at a strip club, were also injured; one was struck by at least 11 bullets. The officers' shots struck the men's car 21 times after it rammed into an undercover officer and hit an unmarked NYPD minivan, police said. Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said it was too early to say whether the shooting was justified. By ADAM GOLDMAN, Associated Press Writer

* The full article can be found on our news page.


DECOR: The Art of Heat

Bisque Radiators, originally uploaded by jil_tv.

Who says your radiators have to look ancient and out of date? As your house gets colder now you can warm you house in style. Bisque Radiators have innovative, modern radiators that look like art on your wall. It’s not a Picasso but it is warm and functional alternative.


cheap seafood EATS: good better & best

Caviar dreams and champagne wishes are for fools. Read on...
$5.75 at El Coyote: Creamy linguini with shrimp, on the lunch special menu. Other treats at this price point include garlic chicken, grilled pork chops, or fried flounder, with a side order choice of salad, soup, or rice & beans. El Coyote is a Mexican restaurant located on 178-27 Hillside Avenue in Jamaica, New York.

*check out our eats page for more cheap seafood eats!

*kara mia

EATS: The Fabulous Mr. Garay

One of the greatest things about having friends who are chefs is eating their food. Tasting the creations of the Fabulous Mr. Garay is like ecstasy. And though I wish I could export him all over the world for everyone’s oral fixation, you will just have to be satisfied with his recipes. Make them at home with a love one, or you could do it for yourself, if you are into that sort of thing.

As a special request to go with our warmth issue, the Fabulous Mr. Garay (it’s like “a Pimp Named Slick Back”- from Boondocks fame- you say the whole thing) has prepared pumpkin gelato. Those who don’t eat ice cream in the cold, I beg you to use a bit of imagination. He even added roasted pumpkin seeds-- because he lives on the wild side. Be sure to let me know what you think and maybe I can coax him into giving me more recipes in the future. Enjoy…


*check out our eats page for the recipe

Tech- STYLE: The Small Wonder

Sony Micro Vault Tiny, originally uploaded by jil_tv.

Anyone who loves their jump drive as much as I do would be absolutely thrilled that it comes in ‘rainbow brite’ colors. If not, you might at least be impressed by the size of Sony’s Micro Vault Tiny. It is as if someone wondered just how small one could make a USB portable storage device, because this mini drive is smaller than your average jump. It can hold from 256mb to 2gigs, and to make them less spy store geek they come in an array candy coated colors. Each one comes with a protective case so though it might get lost, it won’t get damaged. You can also use it as a key chain, but the fashionable side of me won’t let me try it. The Mini Vault Tiny is new and a bit hard to find, but if you rummage around your neighborhood Sony Center, I am sure you can dig one up.

*it’s jil baby


NEWS: fabu-licious

In the current New York Times Magazine, Kelis is honored as one of the top 12 most original style icons, along with Vidal Sassoon and Zooey Deschanel. In the intro, the Times noted that those who pay stylists because they have zero style sense of their own were NOT included in this list (maybe that's why there's only 12?)

So how is Kelis an original style icon?

"What makes me a great shopper is that I can shop at Target or Bergdorf... and still come out with something fabulous," she says.

But I bet having Nas as your arm candy/hubby can't hurt either.

*kara mia

*check out our news page for more gossip!

NEWS: sorry mischa

Let me be the first to admit that I was banking on the O.C. tanking when Mischa Barton left the show to pursue greener pastures. But now, let me be the first to eat my words. If anyone was a contender to taking Mischa's throne, I thought for sure it would be Rachel Bilson. But nope. It goes to yet another awkwardly named actress, Autumn Reeser (pictured hottie on left).

To all you David Carusos out there, stop being selfish & ungrateful swines. You're best staying on the shows that made you stars in the first place. Viewers are fickle, you ain't young forever, and there's always gonna be someone thinner & blonder waiting to take your place.

*kara mia

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