JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.

STYLE: Ooh Big Daddy

You know how pimpin’ you have to be to wear pink? This isn’t pimp wear—though a very stylish pimp might wear it. You know not someone who ‘puts women on the street’ but rather ‘someone who thinks pimp and therefore is…’ (yes Katt William I wrote it down). Daddy is an eclectic street menswear collection. It is the recipe for the modern day man, part ‘goth’, part revolutionary, and part street hustler. What do you get once you mix all that together? I am guessing someone you can call daddy -- after all that is the name.

Go to our style page to see our picks of their current collection.

*ms. b

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