JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.

LETTERS: A Moment to Mourn

This story is still moving me on so many levels. The first one being that I have family members who live in this neighborhood, and this could have been anyone of them. My brother, my cousin, my friends around my way, they all can relate to being harassed, detained, and just plain annoyed by New York’s Finest. I think Bridgette’s letter put it most eloquently:

… for the past week, the thing I just can't seem to get out of my mind is the death of Sean Bell and the shooting of his two friends. Moreover, it's the effect this murder is going to have on the family he left behind. Maybe it's because the murder took place 15 minutes from where I live. Maybe it's because it happened hours before he was to marry his high school sweetheart. Or it could be that I'm just maturing and becoming more sensitive to senseless acts like this…

*click here to read Bridgette’s letter


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