JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.

EATS: The Fabulous Mr. Garay

One of the greatest things about having friends who are chefs is eating their food. Tasting the creations of the Fabulous Mr. Garay is like ecstasy. And though I wish I could export him all over the world for everyone’s oral fixation, you will just have to be satisfied with his recipes. Make them at home with a love one, or you could do it for yourself, if you are into that sort of thing.

As a special request to go with our warmth issue, the Fabulous Mr. Garay (it’s like “a Pimp Named Slick Back”- from Boondocks fame- you say the whole thing) has prepared pumpkin gelato. Those who don’t eat ice cream in the cold, I beg you to use a bit of imagination. He even added roasted pumpkin seeds-- because he lives on the wild side. Be sure to let me know what you think and maybe I can coax him into giving me more recipes in the future. Enjoy…


*check out our eats page for the recipe

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