JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.

DECOR: Its a bird, a plane? No its a chaise Lounge...

chaise lounge

In this saturated market of square, mundane, modern furniture, I knew someone would go against the grain and create furniture with more of an edge. Standing on this edge is a quirky and innovative company called Sixixis--try saying that 10 times.

city scape coat hanger

This UK company has developed a steam process which allow them to bend wood into sculptured artistic pieces. This process is illustrated within their furniture and accessories. They have defied the natural laws of wood with their chaise lounger which is an upgrade from the average flexible lawn chair. And from their City Scape Coat hanger to the Rolling Summer house, Sixixis invites you to the wonderful wacky world of wood. So, if you are looking to step out of the mundane try going imaginatively insane with Sixixis.

Check out our decor page for more pics, and for more innovative wood designs check out www.sixixis.com

*Its Jil baby!

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