JIL Mag-- it's JIL baby... don't hate just pass the champagne

Jil Mag is the written testament of international lifestyle, which encompasses interiors, fashion, cuisine and travel.

ART: Those who say Graffiti isn’t art, are just plain dumb!


I am pretty sure no one is making that argument anymore. It is like saying hip-hop isn’t music, which is only believed by the extreme-right, people in retirement homes, and maybe the occasional racist. But as hip-hop progressed over the years and has become a lucrative business, has graffiti also followed suit?


Graffiti artist Miss Van puts her spin on an art form that has been the orphan of our urban community. Her sassy take on it might have something to do with her decades of practice --she has been tagging since the tender age of 18-- and that can do a lot for someone’s psyche let alone art. She graduated to her own show in 1999 at the age of 26, which might seems like a long time for schooling, but maybe it’s just a testament to how long it takes a society to recognize street culture as art. Click here to continue reading this article...

*it’s Jil Baby!

Contact info:

Gallery Magda Danysz

78, rue Amelot - Paris 11

tél./ fax : + 33 (0)1 45 83 38 51
mail : magda@magda-gallery.com

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MUSIC: Kelly Rowland Comes Out of the Shadows

Kelly Rowland the best voice in Destiny Child has always been the underdog. She has been in the shadows of Beyonce since the separation of the orginal memebers- for godsakes her myspace page is plastered with advertisment of Beyonce's album. She tried to stand out with her first album " Simply Deep" --which i felt was rushed-- but fell short of orginality and style. Even with her collaboration with Nelly in the number 1 single, Dilemma, her first album just went gold. Then Beyonce dropped her multi-platinum first album and Kelly became a ghost. She became the supporting sidekick, clapping and smiling at every one of Beyonce's TV performance. Click here to continue reading this article...

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Diaries of a Shoe Whore: Jinga, Moving Feet Around the World


I first discovered Jinga sneakers in London’s Camden Market. I was in the middle of haggling a vendor, trying to get five pounds off a skirt, when I looked up and saw a bouquet of colorful sneakers. I must preface this by saying I am not the biggest sneaker wearer. So if I have to wear a sneaker, I need there to be some sort of incentive other that the fact that it is comfortable. I mean, Clarks and Birkenstock are comfy, but their often clunky styles tend to be better suited for your round the way tree hugger.


The interesting thing about Jinga is that they serve up more than just an array of colorful shoes, they also inject a dose of social responsibility. The Brazilian sneaker company not only prides itself on being fashionable, but they also donate back to their ‘block’, which in this case are the children in the Rio de Janeiro favela or shanty towns. They also win ethical points for creating sweatshop free sneakers, but I for one am more happy that 5% of their profits goes to organizations that keeps Brazils future out of gangs.

Check out our style page for more pics on their current collection or Jinga check out their website at www.jingashop.com.

*It’s Jil Baby!

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DECOR: Its a bird, a plane? No its a chaise Lounge...

chaise lounge

In this saturated market of square, mundane, modern furniture, I knew someone would go against the grain and create furniture with more of an edge. Standing on this edge is a quirky and innovative company called Sixixis--try saying that 10 times.

city scape coat hanger

This UK company has developed a steam process which allow them to bend wood into sculptured artistic pieces. This process is illustrated within their furniture and accessories. They have defied the natural laws of wood with their chaise lounger which is an upgrade from the average flexible lawn chair. And from their City Scape Coat hanger to the Rolling Summer house, Sixixis invites you to the wonderful wacky world of wood. So, if you are looking to step out of the mundane try going imaginatively insane with Sixixis.

Check out our decor page for more pics, and for more innovative wood designs check out www.sixixis.com

*Its Jil baby!

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STYLE: Epitomizing the Ape…

What is it about the ape that we humans are so fascinated with? Darwin’s theory of man’s evolution in 1860 was met with controversy, and though there is more scientific evidence in later years, I am still not buying it. But what I might buy is a t-shirt with apes printed on it -- AKA Beckett & Beckett’s “highly evolved clothing”.

Based on their catch phrase “viva la evolution”, this t-shirt collection shows apes in their true form, characterized in pop culture. Maybe it is a testament to how we as a people are de-evolving back to primitive needs and wants. You can wear that statement, and cite what ever literature you want, preferably in a party environment because these shirts are all about fun. I discovered this company while hunting through the sometimes dangerous and wild Spitalfield market in London, and that is where you will find them. For more information on the evolution of T-shirts, check out their website at www.gr8ape.co.uk.

*It’s Jil Baby!

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DECOR: If it Ain’t Broke…

2 peel tableware (4)
Break it? Ok that is not something your mother would have said, but it is an interesting concept. Angel Ha’s Interactive Ceramic collection is based around that principle. I didn’t believe it when I saw it, but you can chip, rub, crack your way into something interesting. I discovered her collection at 100% East, her collection stood out as being one of the most innovative and playful.

4 peel vase (1)

Her interactive cushions for example are breakable pieces of porcelain, wrapped up in a sturdy material, just in case you come home from work and need to smash something. The vases, cups and jugs can hold liquid so feel free to integrate them in décor. Keep in mind, this collection should be viewed as works of art, so don’t go serving up ‘nibbly bits’ on these breakable bits.

Interested in seeing more, click here and check out our décor page…

Get more info on her ceramic collection at www.angelha.com.

*it’s Jil baby!

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CONCIOUS: can't even afford the sardines?

This is slumming it like no other (slumming: rich kids doing shit for kicks what poor kids *need* to do to survive). NYC rents are so high (upwards of $3000/mo for a 2-bedroom) that kids are starting to salivate over the loft-like spaces of OFFICES and are actually living in them! And get this, instead of getting ticketed for violating building codes (using commercial space for residential space), these kids are actually having slumber parties, pitching tents and all! The girl featured in the picture was handed the keys by, who else... her daddy.

Read the article for the more objective look, sans *kara mia sarcasm.

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EATS: high brow vs. low brow

It's bier & weiners vs. root beer & dogs.
My friend, who is a slamming gourmet cook, is the biggest foodie I have ever met. So it's no surprise that she would pick Loreley to help us unwind during finals week. One thing's for sure is that it's not your average beer n' sub place.

Our tab was less than $100 after tip, for 4 people.
Loreley is located on 7 Rivington Street in NYC. For more info, go to www.loreleynyc.com.

Now, as if we weren't full enough, the subject moved to Crif Dogs. I've never been there before, so naturally, my friends were dying to take me. It's a tiny dive on St. Marks Place, with a mural of a bikini-clad blondie straddling a giant wiener. And their menu was as much to behold as the one at Loreley.

Our tab was less than $30 for 4 people. Crif Dogs is located 113 St. Marks Place in NYC (212) 614. 2728. They are open until 4am on weekends, good for those late night fixes.

To read the full review on both restaurants, click here to check out our Eats Page...

*kara mia

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CONCIOUS: how big is your ecological footprint?

Bigger isn't always better. The bigger your ecological footprint, the worse your impact is on the planet. After taking the quiz (which asks about food, gas, and living consumption), I found that my ecological footprint is 12 acres-- not bad considering the average for the U.S. is 24 acres.
If your curiosity has been peaked, I suggest you take the quiz on www.myfootprint.org. Then afterwards, you can click on Take Action! to get tips on how to reduce your mammoth-sized ecological footprint.

STYLE: Diaries of a Shoe Whore: The Clear Heel

Those who said clear heels were just for strippers obviously did not see Kurt Geiger’s new spring collection. I am not sure why they named their cute shoes after islands -- Havana, Barbados, Hawaii, Bahamas, etc. -- because I’ve been all through the islands and I never saw shoes like these adorning the local’s feet. But for the sake of all that is fabulous the names work. So take your pick ladies, you can either be spicy like Havana, Chic like Hawaii, or clean like Barbados. Click here to continue reading this article...

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CONCIOUS: overseas workers from the philippines

It's a phenomenon I've long known about. It's touched my own life, as well as those of many Filipinos I know-- stories of Filipinos in the Philippines struggling to make ends meet in a country where the gap between the rich and poor is as wide and vast as the Grand Canyon. Growing up in America, I'd been asked, "but you were rich in Manila, right?" Images of people living in shanties and roaming the streets covered in mud just wasn't a picture that matched who I was, but in truth, I was part of the rare middle class in existence, being neither rich nor poor.
Now, the NY Times was gracious enough to unearth the so-called phenomenon of overseas workers in a lengthy article... Filipinos who live transcontinental lives in order to provide for their families, migrating to the United States to chase the American Dream or going to every other country to serve as housekeepers, nannies, and nurses. In Japan, Filipino domestic workers flock the equivalent of Madison Avenue on their day off to sit on the sidewalks and have picnics with fellow OFWs (overseas Filipino workers). It's a sight that they cannot be denied. Click here to continue reading this article...

*kara mia


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